Friday, October 2, 2015

Hazel Multi-Concept Creative WordPress Theme Download Free [ Version 2.8]

Hazel Multi-Concept Creative WordPress Theme Download Free [ Version 2.8]
Hazel WordPress Theme, Updated Version Is Available On Here.
Multi-Concept Creative WordPress Theme: Hazel WP Theme is full of features and options and gives you endless number of possibilities to customize the theme according to your will. You can easily download latest version from here and you can purchase it from official site of Themeforest too. Current version is 2.8 and last time it was updated on August 28, 2015.

  • Hazel is a fantastic and awesome Multi-Concept Creative WordPress Theme and this WordPress Theme has Retina Ready, Responsive, Clean or Creative Design plus with these features your site look more attractive or impressive. 
  • Hazel WordPress Theme is fully customizable theme and it is capable with unlimited possibilities like tons of short codes, Side menu, Mega menu, Layouts, Title area or Header layouts and more plus these features give freedom to create an incredible Website. 
  • Now you can use this WP Theme for any purposes such as Personal use, Shop, Blog, Fashion, Agency, Modern Business, Photographer, Portfolio or for creative use plus the theme gives you SEO friendly environment to attract or gain good ranking in Google. 
  • Here are some features that are fixed inside this WordPress Theme and those are Bug with Header Style when Ajax animation is enable, Bug with grid size and position, Fixed logo position, Fixed Google fonts link when SSL is enabled and Google fonts family options for title is also fixed. 
  • We have upgraded features of this latest version of WP Theme for example WooCommerce v2.3.4, Updated Visual Composer to version 4.3.5, Updated Layerslider to version 5.3.2 and more other things are also updated. 
  • Hazel WordPress Theme is rich of amazing features such as Visual Composer for WordPress, Parallax Section, WooCommerce Integration, Interactive Infographics, Blog Masonry Layout, Retina Ready, Powerful Admin, Highly Customizable, 30+ Custom Shortcodes or 600+ Google Fonts and more.

Whats New:
Certain type of modifications were made inside this latest version of Hazel WordPress Theme, On our expensive customers demand. These changes were made by our professional experts inside this WP Theme. Changes were listed below and are as follow:

Updates of Hazel v2.8:
  • This latest version is compatible with WooCommerce v2.4.6.
  • Updated Visual Composer to its current version v4.6.2.
  • Updated Layer Slider to its newest version v5.5.1.
  • Updated Font Awesome to its latest version v4.4.0.
Updates of Hazel v2.4:
  • Theme fully support WooCommerce 2.3.4.
  • Resolved an issue with header style when ajax animation is enabled.
  • Resolved an issue with grid size and position.
  • Resolve an issue with logo position when center logo is enabled and header in grid is set to on.
  • Problem was solved with Google fonts link when ssl is enabled.
  • Problem was solved with Google fonts family options for title or subtitle etc.
  • Problem was solved with image upload field when used upload from url and more :).

